Friday, March 18, 2011

Topic-Related Video Today

So. . .
For todays assignment, we will look at a video and give our thoughts on it. Well, thats the instructions in a more simpler sentence.

Task 4: instructions
After you clicked the video icon,
 Find a video about your focus in the assignment. You will not hear it.
 Just explain what you see in the video.

Above is the full instructions. Because I am doing this in-class, the sound is disabled. Well, for appropriate and obvious purposes.

I decided to directly insert it from the "toolbar" in the editing New Post page.

Well, sometimes words and sounds can paint a more understandable picture. . . especially in this situation. . .

So, it starts off with a cultural historian talking. This part was clearly useless so I skipped it. Then there is a random spinning birds view of a city. . .looks like a large one too. . .more talking. . .then there is a scene of a mob gathering in the streets. Then there is an airplane view of a train moving across a landscape. Then there is another sky view of a street with. . .cars and people. People walking. More street views. Papers flying. Oh wait. . . thats money. Not paper.

This is really, really, really. . .leading me nowhere.

Okay, after the flying money, there is more street views. Then there is the talking man again. More black and white street views.

I am going to stop right now.

 Just explain what you see in the video.

Oh. Now for the explanation:

. . .Uh. . .I saw some black and white filming of depressed people walking through the streets of New York. I did not learn much from this, but at least I saw quite a little bit of footage from the 1930's. But there is only the sound to blame. If everyone in the classroom would be blasting documentaries from their school computers, there is not any hope for myself.

~End of Assignment 4.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What I am Focusing on This Blog + Topic Illustration

Considering that I made it clear that I am blogging on the 30's, I believe I also made it clear that I was blogging about the Great Depression. This is a progressing work, so not all information will immediately be posted in a few entries. It will probably take time (as this is a school assignment as well).

What I am focusing on this blog is The Great Depression in general. Probably I will be covering all the necessary topics and not go into too much detail (because I just can't find anything I can concentrate on).

Also, for the second assignment, here is a picture that illustrates The Great Depression:

Well, this picture is one of a sign. It symbolizes "the hard times" during this decade. It says: "Jobless Men Keep Going, We Can't Take Care of our Own". Apparently, this sign is speaking for itself. It was a time when the stock markets went out of control and eventually crashed, leaving people out on the streets. Telling jobless men to keep going means that...people...themselves can no longer even support their own families. They keep on searching and searching to feed themselves day by day.

I hope thats enough of a description. Well, it was not really a description. It was an explanation. Well...

The description is that there is a sign that says "Jobless Men Keep Going, We Can't Take Care of our Own". It is a black and white picture, with men with hats and old suits that are walking past it. Which adds to the fact that this picture is older than the 1960's, when coloration came into films and pictures.

Well, that should be enough. Uh...

One more thing. The assignment says:

You will have 2 tasks today.
a) Make one posting about what you want to focus on the 20s or 30s.
Ex: economy in 20s, families in 30s, Jazz etc.
You are expected to research and write with your own words a paragraph about it.
b) 2nd posting: You will post a picture and explain the picture (what’s happening, how does it help us understand the era etc)

So if I were to have to post another entry...that means I have to literally start another new post. Oh...well.

I do not like posting another post for actual reasons. I just feel unorganized and kind of spammy if I do that. So...hopefully I only have a few points deducted for this reason. It may seem more organized for the teacher, but personally, this is something I just dislike.

...I do not think anyone cares.

~End of Assignment 2 (or 3 depending on what you consider it).

Friday, March 11, 2011

What I know about "The 30's"

What I know about the 30's    
     The Thirties was a time in America where the stock markets crashed. In the late twenties, there were signs of the stock markets that were ready to crash and perhaps devestate the economy in the future. Even as the Great Depression weighed down many citizens and immigrants of America, new culture was developed even in this decade. Jazz music from Harlem and African American composers and musicians became immensly popular, and dancing was a past-time. Most of the fads that faded in the thirties were developed in the 1920's, a time of bursting cultures.

What I would like to learn about the 30's
     I would like to learn more about the 30's. The Great Depression was a time in America when many many people suffered. Throughout the decade, not all people have learned a lesson. Immediately when America entered the 1940's, the economy was once again a world force. I also do not know about how the Depression ended, that should be taken into consideration. Though this blog was created specifically for the purpose of The Great Depression and the research I may do to gather more information, I learn something new everyday.

~End of Assignment 1